Raul Walch
Heat Flag (Aarhus)

Since 2017 Kunsthal Aarhus has invited an artist to design and produce a new flag. The project titled A Flag is a Piece of Fabric features a one year commission and is an essential part of Kunsthal Aarhus’ Sculpture Park. In 2024 the German artist Raul Walch is going to present a new flag reflecting on local climate conditions in Aarhus, Denmark. It is as a part of his series of flags, Heat Flags, related to heat waves.

With Heat Flag (Aarhus) Raul Walch visually presents a recent hot July month in Denmark in watercolour. The title refers to heat maps where certain colours are associated with different temperatures but these colours can also represent elevation changes or other gradients.

The original medium of watercolour, which is transfer-printed onto flag textile, is informed by this, the colours bleed and blend. A fluidity that cannot be contained. The water surrounding the border of Denmark appear lighter in colour but not cold. Rising temperatures mean rising water levels which besides its impact on nature and wildlife will have an effect on the country. The colour red indicates alarm or danger. Then, Walch questions “when will the whole flag turn red and how deep will we let the shades get?”


Raul Walch (b. 1980, Frankfurt am Main) is a prominent sculptor and conceptual artist living and working in Berlin. Known for his unique approach that often crosses the boundaries between art, activism and social interaction, Walch creates works that go beyond traditional frameworks. His artistic practice is deeply rooted in a critical analysis of socio-political conditions and pressing environmental issues.

Since Walch began his education in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Weißensee and later at UdK Berlin he has developed a distinct practice. A key element of his work is not only to exhibit in conventional exhibition spaces, but specifically to explore public space. With the public sphere as his platform, Walch creates site-specific interventions that often function as reactions to and interactions with different global environments.

Walch's works have been exhibited at prominent international art institutions and art festivals, in 2023 alone Walch has exhibited or participated in group exhibitions at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (Frequently Asked Questions, 2023), Berlin Art Week (GALLERY WEEKEND FESTIVAL, 2023), The Biennial of Art and Urban Nature (re)connecting earth (Spherical Semaphores, 2023), raumlaborberlin (Symbiosen, 2023), SEXAUER Gallery og WELTECHO (Wenn die Sirenen heulen (It’s on us), 2023), CoolWater (Energy, 2023), Kunstmuseen Erfurt (Palmen aus Plastik, 2023), Matchbox (Vom Wind getragen – Portés par le vent, 2023), 8. Biennale Weierta (Common Ground, 2023), Collegium Hungaricum (Verwobene Texturen. Zeitgenössische Textilkunst aus Deutschland und Ungarn, 2023), Kunstverein Siegen (Happiest Places, 2023), Kunstverein zu Assenheim (To see a World in a Grain of Sand, 2023), Großer Tiergarten Berlin (AR Open, 2023), Galerie EIGEN + ART (NOTOPIA, 2023) and Neues Museum (Mit der Tür ins Haus fallen – Neuerwerbungen der Sammlung des Bundes, 2023).

Image: Raul Walch, Heat Flag (Aarhus), Kunsthal Aarhus, 2024. Photo: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen.
Image: Raul Walch, Heat Flag (Aarhus), Kunsthal Aarhus, 2024. Photo: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen.
Image: Raul Walch, Heat Flag (Aarhus) in a project ”A Flag is a Piece of Fabric” at Kunsthal Aarhus, 2024, printing in cloth, 280x200cm.
Image: Raul Walch, Heat Flag (Aarhus) in a project ”A Flag is a Piece of Fabric” at Kunsthal Aarhus, 2024, printing in cloth, 280x200cm.

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